These bags are nearly identical to many of the top tier bags that are selling for around $100 for four bags. If it's very important to you that you have their name on your bags and you have an endless supply of spare cash, go for it. But if you're looking more for the same quality with a design that you can relate to, look no further.

These bags have a fast and a slow side, giving you control to stop in front of the hole and then drag that bag in with your next shot.

I could easily just order them from Amazon, but unless you're willing to drop a boatload of cash, those bags have a lot to be desired. I don't like the sharp corners and the thick lumpy seams. And if it matters to you, they're almost certainly made in China.

So I make bags that I like to throw. The corners are rounded within American Cornhole League specifications. This means they're going to be hole-friendly. It's tougher for them to hang on the edge of the hole.

I also make the seam as small and unobtrusive as possible. If you always have to turn the bag so that you're not holding the seam, you probably won't have to do that with these.

Pro Style

Set of 8 bags: $40 ($30 with boards)

This bag works best for people who throw a flat bag. You need to be able to control which side contacts the surface of the board to control the slide speed.

I experimented with various fabrics and came up with a bag that responds the way I like. With the suede side down, it gives good control on the board with just the right amount of stick when thrown. Landing the bag with the patch side up gives you the extra slide you need to push your blocker bags into the hole.

Duck Canvas

Set of 8 bags: $30 ($20 with boards)

The original cornhole bag. I use high-quality 10-oz duck canvas for a solid but soft feel. These will continue to soften over the course of a few dozen games.

Although the traditional cornhole bags are filled with actual corn, those tend to mold and break down, leaving a small cloud of dust when they land. And as the corn breaks down, they lose their weight.

I use a plastic resin pellet fill that is used in bags costing over $100/set. These will offer a long life and give you a consistent and comfortable feel to the bag.

Bag designs

Below is a selection of some of the pro-style bags I've created.

I can create custom designs based on your needs. If you have a photo that you'd like on the bags, that'd work too.

Boston Bruins


Boston Celtics


New England Patriots


Boston Red Sox

Red Sox